
1. Set Up a Virtual Environment

To install shimming-toolbox, we recommend that you use a virtual environment. Virtual environments are a tool to separate the Python environment and packages used between Python projects. They allow for different versions of Python packages to be installed and managed for the specific needs of your projects. There are several virtual environment managers available, but the one we recommend and will use in our installation guide is conda, which is installed by default with Miniconda. We strongly recommend you create a virtual environment before you continue with your installation.

The Miniconda installation instructions depend on whether your system default shell is Bash or Zsh. You can determine this from the output of running the following in your terminal:

echo $SHELL


curl -o ~/
bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda
echo ". ~/miniconda/etc/profile.d/" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile


curl -o ~/
bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda
source $HOME/miniconda/bin/activate
conda init zsh

Next, create your virtual environment:

conda create -n shim_venv python=3.7

Then, activate your virtual environment:

conda activate shim_venv

To switch back to your default environment, run:

conda deactivate

2. Install dcm2niix

Ensure that you have dcm2niix >= v1.0.20201102. installed on your system.

3. Install FSL

You will also need to install FSL.

4. Install from GitHub

To install shimming-toolbox, clone shimming-toolbox’s repository (you will need to have Git installed on your system):

git clone

Next, install using pip:

cd shimming-toolbox
pip install -e ".[docs,dev]"

5. Test the Install (optional)

Comprehensive Test

To run the entire testing suite, run pytest from the shimming-toolbox directory:

cd shimming-toolbox

See for more options.

If all tests pass, shimming-toolbox was installed successfully.

Testing subsets of soft dependencies

prelude and dcm2niix are soft dependencies, so you may wish to run the parts of the testing suite that do not depend on them.

To test shimming-toolbox without prelude and without dcm2niix:

cd shimming-toolbox
pytest -m "not prelude and not dcm2niix"

To test shimming-toolbox without prelude and with dcm2niix, you can use the above block but modifying the -m argument to "not prelude".

To test shimming-toolbox with prelude and without dcm2niix, you can use the above block but modifying the -m argument to "not dcm2niix".

To test only the parts of shimming-toolbox dependent on prelude or dcm2niix, the corresponding -m argument is "prelude or dcm2niix"

Note that supplying the "-m" argument "prelude and dcm2niix" only runs tests dependent on both prelude and dcm2niix.