API Reference

The following section outlines the API of shimming-toolbox.


shimmingtoolbox.prepare_fieldmap.complex_difference(phase1, phase2)

Calculates the complex difference between 2 phase arrays (phase2 - phase1)

  • phase1 (numpy.ndarray) -- Array containing phase data in radians

  • phase2 (numpy.ndarray) -- Array containing phase data in radians. Must be the same shape as phase1.


The difference in phase between each voxels of phase2 and phase1 (phase2 - phase1)

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.prepare_fieldmap.correct_2pi_offset(unwrapped, mag, mask, validity_threshold)
Removes 2*pi offsets from unwrapped for a time series. If there is no offset, it returns the same array. The

'correct' offset is assumed to be at time 0.

  • unwrapped (numpy.ndarray) -- Array of the spatially unwrapped phase. If there is a time dimension, the offset is corrected in time, if unwrapped is 3D, the offset closest to 0 is chosen.

  • mag (numpy.ndarray) -- Array containing the magnitude values of the phase. Same shape as unwrapped.

  • mask (numpy.ndarray) -- Mask of the unwrapped phase array. Same shape as unwrapped.

  • validity_threshold (float) -- Threshold to create a mask on each timepoints and assume as reliable phase data


4d array of the unwrapped phase corrected if there were n*2*pi offsets between time points

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.prepare_fieldmap.get_mask(nii_target, mag, nii_mask=None, threshold=None)
Return a mask resampled (if required) to nii_target. If nii_mask is None, a mask is created using the threshold.

This functions hanles 3D and 4D nii_targets.

  • nii_target (nib.Nifti1Image) -- Target nifti image to resample the mask to.

  • nii_mask (nib.Nifti1Image) -- Mask to be resampled to nii_target. If None, a mask is created using the threshold.

  • mag (np.ndarray) -- Magnitude data to create the mask from.

  • threshold (float) -- Threshold to create the mask. If nii_mask is not None, this value is ignored.


Mask resampled to nii_target.

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.prepare_fieldmap.prepare_fieldmap(list_nii_phase, echo_times, mag, unwrapper='prelude', nii_mask=None, threshold=0.05, gaussian_filter=False, sigma=1, fname_save_mask=None)

Creates fieldmap (in Hz) from phase images. This function accommodates multiple echoes (2 or more) and phase difference. This function also accommodates 4D phase inputs, where the 4th dimension represents the time, in case multiple field maps are acquired across time for the purpose of real-time shimming experiments.

  • list_nii_phase (list) -- List of nib.Nifti1Image phase values. The array can be [x, y], [x, y, z] or [x, y, z, t]. The values must range from [-pi to pi].

  • echo_times (list) -- List of echo times in seconds for each echo. The number of echotimes must match the number of echoes. It input is a phasediff (1 phase), input 2 echotimes.

  • unwrapper (str) -- Unwrapper to use for phase unwrapping. Supported: prelude, skimage.

  • mag (numpy.ndarray) -- Array containing magnitude data relevant for phase input. Shape must match phase[echo].

  • nii_mask (nib.Nifti1Image) -- Mask for masking output fieldmap.

  • threshold -- Threshold for masking if no mask is provided. Allowed range: [0, 1] where all scaled values lower than the threshold are set to 0.

  • gaussian_filter (bool) -- Option of using a Gaussian filter to smooth the fieldmaps (boolean)

  • sigma (float) -- Standard deviation of gaussian filter.

  • fname_save_mask (str) -- Filename of the mask calculated by the unwrapper


numpy.ndarray: Unwrapped fieldmap in Hz.

Wrapper to different unwrapping algorithms.

shimmingtoolbox.unwrap.unwrap_phase.unwrap_phase(nii_phase_wrapped, unwrapper='prelude', mag=None, mask=None, threshold=None, fname_save_mask=None)

Calls different unwrapping algorithms according to the specified unwrapper parameter. The function also allows to call the different unwrappers with more flexibility regarding input shape.

  • nii_phase_wrapped (nib.Nifti1Image) -- 2D, 3D or 4D radian values [-pi to pi] to perform phase unwrapping. Supported shapes: [x, y], [x, y, z] or [x, y, z, t].

  • unwrapper (str, optional) -- Unwrapper algorithm name. Possible values: prelude, skimage.

  • mag (numpy.ndarray) -- 2D, 3D or 4D magnitude data corresponding to phase data. Shape must be the same as phase.

  • mask (numpy.ndarray) -- numpy array of booleans with shape of phase to mask during phase unwrapping.

  • threshold (float) -- Prelude parameter, see prelude for more detail.

  • fname_save_mask (str) -- Filename of the mask calculated by the unwrapper


Unwrapped phase image.

Return type:


Wrapper to FSL Prelude (https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/FUGUE/Guide#PRELUDE_.28phase_unwrapping.29)

shimmingtoolbox.unwrap.prelude.prelude(nii_wrapped_phase, mag=None, mask=None, threshold=None, is_unwrapping_in_2d=False, fname_save_mask=None)

wrapper to FSL prelude

This function enables phase unwrapping by calling FSL prelude on the command line. A mask can be provided to mask the phase image provided. 2D unwrapping can be turned off. The output path can be specified. The temporary niis can optionally be saved.

  • nii_wrapped_phase (nib.Nifti1Image) -- 2D or 3D radian numpy array to perform phase unwrapping. (2 pi interval)

  • mag (numpy.ndarray) -- 2D or 3D magnitude numpy array corresponding to the phase array

  • mask (numpy.ndarray, optional) -- numpy array of booleans with shape of complex_array to mask during phase unwrapping

  • threshold -- Threshold value for automatic mask generation (Use either mask or threshold, not both)

  • is_unwrapping_in_2d (bool, optional) -- prelude parameter to unwrap slice by slice

  • fname_save_mask (str) -- Filename of the mask calculated by the unwrapper


3D array with the shape of complex_array of the unwrapped phase output from prelude

Return type:



Image mask with shape API

shimmingtoolbox.masking.shapes.shape_cube(data, len_dim1, len_dim2, len_dim3, center_dim1=None, center_dim2=None, center_dim3=None)

Creates a cube mask. Returns mask with the same shape as data.

  • data (numpy.ndarray) -- Data to mask, must be 3 dimensional array.

  • len_dim1 (int) -- Length of the side of the square along first dimension (in pixels).

  • len_dim2 (int) -- Length of the side of the square along second dimension (in pixels).

  • len_dim3 (int) -- Length of the side of the square along third dimension (in pixels).

  • center_dim1 (int) -- Center of the square along first dimension (in pixels). If no center is provided, the middle is used.

  • center_dim2 (int) -- Center of the square along second dimension (in pixels). If no center is provided, the middle is used.

  • center_dim3 (int) -- Center of the square along third dimension (in pixels). If no center is provided, the middle is used.


Mask with booleans. True where the cube is located and False in the background.

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.masking.shapes.shape_sphere(data, radius, center_dim1=None, center_dim2=None, center_dim3=None)

Creates a spherical mask. Returns mask with the same shape as data.

  • data (numpy.ndarray) -- Data to mask, must be 3 dimensional array.

  • radius (int) -- Radius of the sphere (in pixels).

  • center_dim1 (int) -- Center of the sphere along the first dimension (in pixels). If no center is provided, the middle is used.

  • center_dim2 (int) -- Center of the sphere along the second dimension (in pixels). If no center is provided, the middle is used.

  • center_dim3 (int) -- Center of the sphere along the third dimension (in pixels). If no center is provided, the middle is used.


Mask with booleans. True where the sphere is located and False in the background.

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.masking.shapes.shape_square(data, len_dim1, len_dim2, center_dim1=None, center_dim2=None)

Creates a square mask. Returns mask with the same shape as data.

  • data (numpy.ndarray) -- Data to mask, must be 2 dimensional array.

  • len_dim1 (int) -- Length of the side of the square along first dimension (in pixels).

  • len_dim2 (int) -- Length of the side of the square along second dimension (in pixels).

  • center_dim1 (int) -- Center of the square along first dimension (in pixels). If no center is provided, the middle is used.

  • center_dim2 (int) -- Center of the square along second dimension (in pixels). If no center is provided, the middle is used.


Mask with booleans. True where the square is located and False in the background.

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.masking.shapes.shapes(data, shape, **kargs)

Wrapper to different shape masking functions.

  • data (numpy.ndarray) -- Data to mask.

  • shape (str) -- Shape to mask, implemented shapes include: {'square', 'cube', 'sphere'}.

  • **kargs -- Refer to the specific function in this file for the specific arguments for each shape. See example section for more details.


Mask with booleans. True where the shape is located and False in the background.

Return type:



>>> dummy_data = np.ones([4,3])
>>> dummy_mask = shapes(dummy_data, 'square', center_dim1=1, center_dim2=1, len_dim1=1, len_dim2=3)

Image thresholding API

shimmingtoolbox.masking.threshold.threshold(data, thr=30, scaled_thr=False)

Threshold an image

  • data (threshold. For complex) -- Data to be masked

  • thr (float) -- Value to threshold the data: voxels will be set to zero if their value is equal or less than this

  • data --

  • values. (threshold is applied on the absolute) --

  • scaled_thr (bool) -- Specifies if the threshold is absolute or scaled [0, 1].


Boolean mask with same dimensions as data

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.masking.mask_utils.dilate_binary_mask(mask, shape='sphere', size=3)

Dilates a binary mask according to different shapes and kernel size

  • mask (numpy.ndarray) -- 3d array containing the binary mask.

  • shape (str) -- 3d kernel to perform the dilation. Allowed shapes are: 'sphere', 'cross', 'line', 'cube', 'None'. 'line' uses 3 line kernels to extend in each directions by "(size - 1) / 2" only if that direction is smaller than (size - 1) / 2

  • size (int) -- Length of a side of the 3d kernel. Must be odd.


Dilated mask.

Return type:



Kernels for

  • 'cross' size 3:
    np.array([[[0, 0, 0],
               [0, 1, 0],
               [0, 0, 0]],
              [[0, 1, 0],
               [1, 1, 1],
               [0, 1, 0]],
              [[0, 0, 0],
               [0, 1, 0],
               [0, 0, 0]]])
  • 'sphere' size 5:
    np.array([[[0 0 0 0 0],
               [0 0 0 0 0],
               [0 0  1 0 0],
               [0 0 0 0 0],
               [0 0 0 0 0]],
              [[0 0 0 0 0],
               [0 0 1 0 0],
               [0 1 1 1 0],
               [0 0 1 0 0],
               [0 0 0 0 0]],
              [[0 0 1 0 0],
               [0 1 1 1 0],
               [1 1 1 1 1],
               [0 1 1 1 0],
               [0 0 1 0 0]],
              [[0 0 0 0 0],
               [0 0 1 0 0],
               [0 1 1 1 0],
               [0 0 1 0 0],
               [0 0 0 0 0]],
              [[0 0 0 0 0],
               [0 0 0 0 0],
               [0 0 1 0 0],
               [0 0 0 0 0],
               [0 0 0 0 0]]]
  • 'cube' size 3:
    np.array([[[1, 1, 1],
               [1, 1, 1],
               [1, 1, 1]],
              [[1, 1, 1],
               [1, 1, 1],
               [1, 1, 1]],
              [[1, 1, 1],
               [1, 1, 1],
               [1, 1, 1]]])
  • 'line' size 3:
    np.array([[[0, 0, 0],
               [0, 1, 0],
               [0, 0, 0]],
              [[0, 0, 0],
               [0, 1, 0],
               [0, 0, 0]],
              [[0, 0, 0],
               [0, 1, 0],
               [0, 0, 0]]])
shimmingtoolbox.masking.mask_utils.resample_mask(nii_mask_from, nii_target, from_slices=None, dilation_kernel='None', dilation_size=3, path_output=None, return_non_dil_mask=False)

Select the appropriate slices from nii_mask_from using from_slices and resample onto nii_target

  • nii_mask_from (nib.Nifti1Image) -- Mask to resample from. False or 0 signifies not included.

  • nii_target (nib.Nifti1Image) -- Target image to resample onto.

  • from_slices (tuple) -- Tuple containing the slices to select from nii_mask_from. None selects all the slices.

  • dilation_kernel (str) -- kernel used to dilate the mask. Allowed shapes are: 'sphere', 'cross', 'line' 'cube'. See dilate_binary_mask() for more details.

  • dilation_size (int) -- Length of a side of the 3d kernel to dilate the mask. Must be odd. For example, a kernel of size 3 will dilate the mask by 1 pixel.

  • path_output (str) -- Path to output debug artefacts.

  • return_non_dil_mask (bool) -- See if we want to return the dilated and non dilated resampled mask


Mask resampled with nii_target.shape and nii_target.affine.

Return type:



class shimmingtoolbox.coils.coil.Coil(profile, affine, constraints)

Coil profile object that stores coil profiles and there constraints


Dimension along specific axis. dim: 0,1,2 are spatial axes, while dim: 3 corresponds to the coil channel.




(dim1, dim2, dim3, channels) 4d array of N 3d coil profiles




4x4 array containing the affine transformation associated with the NIfTI file of the coil profile. This transformation relates to the physical coordinates of the scanner (qform).




List containing the required keys for constraints




Contains the maximum value for the sum of the coefficients




Dict of (min, max) pairs for each coil channels. (None, None) is used to specify no bounds.




Name of the coil.



__init__(profile, affine, constraints)

Initialize Coil

  • profile (np.ndarray) -- Coil profile (dim1, dim2, dim3, channels) 4d array of N 3d coil profiles

  • affine (np.ndarray) -- 4x4 array containing the qform affine transformation for the coil profiles

  • constraints (dict) --

    dict containing the constraints for the coil profiles. Required keys:

    • name (str): Name of the coil.

    • coef_sum_max (float): Contains the maximum value for the sum of the coefficients. None is used to specify no bounds

    • coef_channel_max (list): List of (min, max) pairs for each coil channels. (None, None) is used to specify no bounds.


# Example of constraints
constraints = {
    'name': "dummy coil",
    'coef_sum_max': 10,
    # 8 channel coil
    'coef_channel_minmax': [(-2, 2), (-2, 2), (-2, 2), (-2, 2), (-3, 3), (-3, 3), (-3, 3), (-3, 3)],
load_constraints(constraints: dict)

Loads the constraints named in required_constraints as attribute to this class

class shimmingtoolbox.coils.coil.ScannerCoil(dim_volume, affine, constraints, orders, manufacturer='')

Coil class for scanner coils as they require extra arguments

__init__(dim_volume, affine, constraints, orders, manufacturer='')

Initialize Coil

  • profile (np.ndarray) -- Coil profile (dim1, dim2, dim3, channels) 4d array of N 3d coil profiles

  • affine (np.ndarray) -- 4x4 array containing the qform affine transformation for the coil profiles

  • constraints (dict) --

    dict containing the constraints for the coil profiles. Required keys:

    • name (str): Name of the coil.

    • coef_sum_max (float): Contains the maximum value for the sum of the coefficients. None is used to specify no bounds

    • coef_channel_max (list): List of (min, max) pairs for each coil channels. (None, None) is used to specify no bounds.


# Example of constraints
constraints = {
    'name': "dummy coil",
    'coef_sum_max': 10,
    # 8 channel coil
    'coef_channel_minmax': [(-2, 2), (-2, 2), (-2, 2), (-2, 2), (-3, 3), (-3, 3), (-3, 3), (-3, 3)],
shimmingtoolbox.coils.coil.get_scanner_constraints(manufacturers_model_name, orders)
Returns the scanner spherical harmonics constraints depending on the manufacturer's model name and required


  • manufacturers_model_name (str) -- Name of the scanner

  • orders (list) -- List of all orders of the shim system to be used


The constraints including the scanner name, bounds and the maximum sum of currents.

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.coils.coil.restrict_sph_constraints(bounds: dict, orders)

Select bounds according to the order specified

  • bounds (dict) -- Dictionary containing the min and max currents for multiple spherical harmonics orders

  • orders (list) -- Lsit of all spherical harmonics orders to be used


Dictionary with the bounds of all specified orders

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.coils.spherical_harmonics.spherical_harmonics(orders, x, y, z)

Returns an array of spherical harmonic basis fields with the order/degree index along the 4th dimension.

  • orders (numpy.ndarray) -- Degrees of the desired terms in the series expansion, specified as a vector of non-negative integers (np.array(range(0, 3)) yields harmonics up to (n-1)-th order). Must be non negative.

  • x (numpy.ndarray) -- 3-D arrays of grid coordinates

  • y (numpy.ndarray) -- 3-D arrays of grid coordinates (same shape as x)

  • z (numpy.ndarray) -- 3-D arrays of grid coordinates (same shape as x)


4d basis set of spherical harmonics with order/degree ordered along 4th dimension

Return type:



Initialize grid positions

>>> [x, y, z] = np.meshgrid(np.array(range(-10, 11)), np.array(range(-10, 11)), np.array(range(-10, 11)), indexing='ij')

0th-to-2nd order terms inclusive

>>> orders = np.array(range(0, 3))
>>> basis = spherical_harmonics(orders, x, y, z)


  • basis[:, :, :,0] corresponds to the 0th-order constant term (globally=unity)
    • 0: c

  • basis[:, :, :, 1:3] to 1st-order linear terms
    • 1: y

    • 2: z

    • 3: x

  • basis[:, :, :, 4:8] to 2nd-order terms
    • 4: xy

    • 5: zy

    • 6: z2

    • 7: zx

    • 8: x2y2

Based on
shimmingtoolbox.coils.spher_harm_basis.ge_basis(x, y, z, orders=(1, 2), shim_cs='LPI')

The function first wraps shimmingtoolbox.coils.spher_harm_basis.scaled_spher_harm to generate 1st and 2nd order spherical harmonic basis fields at the grid positions given by arrays X,Y,Z. Following GE convention, basis is then:

  • Reordered along the 4th dimension as x, y, z, xy, zy, zx, X2-Y2, z2

  • Rescaled:

    • 1 G/cm for X,Y,Z gradients (= Hz/mm)

    • Hz/mm^2 / 1 mA for the 2nd order terms (See details below for the different channels)

The returned basis is thereby in the form of ideal "shim reference maps", ready for optimization.

  • x (numpy.ndarray) -- 3-D arrays of grid coordinates, "Left->Right" grid coordinates in the patient coordinate system (i.e. NIfTI reference (RAS), units of mm)

  • y (numpy.ndarray) -- 3-D arrays of grid coordinates (same shape as x). "Posterior->Anterior" grid coordinates in the patient coordinate system (i.e. NIfTI reference (RAS), units of mm)

  • z (numpy.ndarray) -- 3-D arrays of grid coordinates (same shape as x). "Inferior->Superior" grid coordinates in the patient coordinate system (i.e. NIfTI reference, units of mm)

  • orders (tuple) -- Degrees of the desired terms in the series expansion, specified as a vector of non-negative integers ((0:1:n) yields harmonics up to n-th order, implemented 1st and 2nd order)

  • shim_cs (str) -- Coordinate system of the shims. Letter 1 'R' or 'L', letter 2 'A' or 'P', letter 3 'S' or 'I'.


4-D array of spherical harmonic basis fields

Return type:



For now, orders is, in fact, as default [1:2]. So, basis will return with 8 terms along the 4th dim if using the 1st and 2nd order.

shimmingtoolbox.coils.spher_harm_basis.get_flip_matrix(shim_cs='ras', orders=(1, 2), manufacturer=None)

Return a matrix to flip the spherical harmonics basis set from ras to the desired coordinate system.

  • shim_cs (str) -- Coordinate system of the shim basis set. Default is RAS.

  • xyz (bool) -- If True, return the matrix to flip for xyz only.

  • manufacturer (str) -- Manufacturer of the scanner. The flipping matrix is different for each manufacturer. If None is selected, it will output according to shimmingtoolbox.coils.spherical_harmonics. Possible values: SIEMENS, GE.


Matrix (len: 8) to flip the spherical harmonics basis set from ras to the desired coordinate

system. Output is a 1D vector of flip_matrix for the following: Y, Z, X, XY, ZY, Z2, ZX, X2 - Y2. if xyz is True, output X, Y, Z only in this order.

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.coils.spher_harm_basis.philips_basis(x, y, z, orders=(1, 2), shim_cs='RPI')

The function first wraps shimmingtoolbox.coils.spherical_harmonics to generate 1st and 2nd order spherical harmonic basis fields at the grid positions given by arrays X,Y,Z. Following Philips convention, basis is then:

  • Rescaled to Hz/unit-shim, where "unit-shim" refers to:

    • 1 milli-T/m for X,Y,Z gradients (= 42.576 Hz/mm)

    • 1 milli-T/m^2 for 2nd order terms (= 0.042576 Hz/mm^2)

  • Reordered along the 4th dimension as X, Y, Z, Z2, ZX, ZY, X2-Y2, XY

The returned basis is thereby in the form of ideal "shim reference maps", ready for optimization.

  • x (numpy.ndarray) -- 3-D arrays of grid coordinates, "Left->Right" grid coordinates in the patient coordinate system (i.e. NIfTI reference (RAS), units of mm)

  • y (numpy.ndarray) -- 3-D arrays of grid coordinates (same shape as x). "Posterior->Anterior" grid coordinates in the patient coordinate system (i.e. NIfTI reference (RAS), units of mm)

  • z (numpy.ndarray) -- 3-D arrays of grid coordinates (same shape as x). "Inferior->Superior" grid coordinates in the patient coordinate system (i.e. NIfTI reference, units of mm)

  • orders (tuple) -- Degrees of the desired terms in the series expansion, specified as a vector of non-negative integers ((0:1:n) yields harmonics up to n-th order, implemented 1st and 2nd order)

  • shim_cs (str) -- Coordinate system of the shims. Letter 1 'R' or 'L', letter 2 'A' or 'P', letter 3 'S' or 'I'.


4-D array of spherical harmonic basis fields

Return type:



Philips coordinate system has its x in the AP direction and y axis in the RL direction. Therefore, channel 0 (x) changes along axis 1 and channel 1 (y) changes along axis 0.

shimmingtoolbox.coils.spher_harm_basis.scaled_spher_harm(x, y, z, orders=(1, 2))

The function first wraps shimmingtoolbox.coils.spherical_harmonics to generate 1st and 2nd order spherical harmonic basis fields at the grid positions given by arrays X,Y,Z. It is then:

  • Rescaled to 1uT/m or 1uT/m^2 in units of Hz/mm or Hz/mm^2:

    • 1 micro-T/m for X,Y,Z gradients(= 0.042576 Hz/mm)

    • 1 micro-T/m^2 for 2nd order terms (= 0.000042576 Hz/mm^2)

  • x (numpy.ndarray) -- 3-D arrays of grid coordinates, "Left->Right" grid coordinates in the patient coordinate system (i.e. NIfTI reference (RAS), units of mm)

  • y (numpy.ndarray) -- 3-D arrays of grid coordinates (same shape as x). "Posterior->Anterior" grid coordinates in the patient coordinate system (i.e. NIfTI reference (RAS), units of mm)

  • z (numpy.ndarray) -- 3-D arrays of grid coordinates (same shape as x). "Inferior->Superior" grid coordinates in the patient coordinate system (i.e. NIfTI reference, units of mm)

  • orders (tuple) -- Degrees of the desired terms in the series expansion, specified as a vector of non-negative integers ((0:1:n) yields harmonics up to n-th order, implemented 1st and 2nd order)


4d basis set of spherical harmonics scaled

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.coils.spher_harm_basis.siemens_basis(x, y, z, orders=(1, 2), shim_cs='LAI')

The function first wraps shimmingtoolbox.coils.spherical_harmonics to generate 1st and 2nd order spherical harmonic basis fields at the grid positions given by arrays X,Y,Z. Following Siemens convention, basis is then:

  • Rescaled to Hz/unit-shim, where "unit-shim" refers to the measure displayed in the Adjustments card of the Syngo console UI, namely:

    • 1 micro-T/m for X,Y,Z gradients (= 0.042576 Hz/mm)

    • 1 micro-T/m^2 for 2nd order terms (= 0.000042576 Hz/mm^2)

  • Reordered along the 4th dimension as X, Y, Z, Z2, ZX, ZY, X2-Y2, XY

The returned basis is thereby in the form of ideal "shim reference maps", ready for optimization.

  • x (numpy.ndarray) -- 3-D arrays of grid coordinates, "Left->Right" grid coordinates in the patient coordinate system (i.e. NIfTI reference (RAS), units of mm)

  • y (numpy.ndarray) -- 3-D arrays of grid coordinates (same shape as x). "Posterior->Anterior" grid coordinates in the patient coordinate system (i.e. NIfTI reference (RAS), units of mm)

  • z (numpy.ndarray) -- 3-D arrays of grid coordinates (same shape as x). "Inferior->Superior" grid coordinates in the patient coordinate system (i.e. NIfTI reference, units of mm)

  • orders (tuple) -- Degrees of the desired terms in the series expansion, specified as a vector of non-negative integers ((0:1:n) yields harmonics up to n-th order, implemented 1st and 2nd order)

  • shim_cs (str) -- Coordinate system of the shims. Letter 1 'R' or 'L', letter 2 'A' or 'P', letter 3 'S' or 'I'.


4-D array of spherical harmonic basis fields

Return type:



For now, orders is, in fact, as default [1:2]—which is suitable for the Prisma (presumably other Siemens systems as well) however, the 3rd-order shims of the Terra should ultimately be accommodated too. (Requires checking the Adjustments/Shim card to see what the corresponding terms and values actually are). So, basis will return with 8 terms along the 4th dim if using the 1st and 2nd order.

shimmingtoolbox.coils.coordinates.generate_meshgrid(dim, affine)

Generate meshgrid of size dim, with coordinate system defined by affine. :param dim: x, y and z dimensions. :type dim: tuple :param affine: 4x4 affine matrix :type affine: numpy.ndarray


List of numpy.ndarray containing meshgrid of coordinates

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.coils.coordinates.get_main_orientation(cosines: list)

Returns the orientation of the slice axis by looking at the ImageOrientationPatientDICOM JSON tag

  • cosines (list) -- list of 6 elements. The first 3 represent the x, y, z cosines of the first row. The last 3

  • x (represent the) --

  • y --

  • it (z cosines of the first column. This can be found in ImageOrientationPatientDICOM so) --

  • coordinates. (should be LPS) --


'SAG', 'COR' or 'TRA'

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.coils.coordinates.phys_gradient(data, affine)

Calculate the gradient of data along physical coordinates defined by affine

  • data (numpy.ndarray) -- 3d array containing data to apply gradient

  • affine (numpy.ndarray) -- 4x4 array containing affine transformation


numpy.ndarray: 3D matrix containing the gradient along the x direction in the physical coordinate system numpy.ndarray: 3D matrix containing the gradient along the y direction in the physical coordinate system numpy.ndarray: 3D matrix containing the gradient along the z direction in the physical coordinate system

shimmingtoolbox.coils.coordinates.phys_to_vox_coefs(gx, gy, gz, affine)

Calculate the vector sum along the image coordinates defined by affine with coefficients in the patient coordinate system.

  • gx (numpy.ndarray) -- 3D matrix containing the coefs along the x direction in the patient coordinate system

  • gy (numpy.ndarray) -- 3D matrix containing the coefs along the y direction in the patient coordinate system

  • gz (numpy.ndarray) -- 3D matrix containing the coefs along the z direction in the patient coordinate system

  • affine (numpy.ndarray) -- 4x4 array containing affine transformation


3D matrix containing the coefs along the x direction in the image coordinate system numpy.ndarray: 3D matrix containing the coefs along the y direction in the image coordinate system numpy.ndarray: 3D matrix containing the coefs along the z direction in the image coordinate system

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.coils.coordinates.resample_from_to(nii_from_img, nii_to_vox_map, order=2, mode='nearest', cval=0.0, out_class=<class 'nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image'>)

Wrapper to nibabel's resample_from_to function. Resample image from_img to mapped voxel space to_vox_map. The wrapper adds support for 2D input data (adds a singleton) and for 4D time series. For more info, refer to nibabel.processing.resample_from_to.

  • nii_from_img (nibabel.Nifti1Image) -- Nibabel object with 2D, 3D or 4D array. The 4d case will be treated as a timeseries.

  • nii_to_vox_map (nibabel.Nifti1Image) -- Nibabel object with

  • order (int) -- Refer to nibabel.processing.resample_from_to

  • mode (str) -- Refer to nibabel.processing.resample_from_to

  • cval (scalar) -- Refer to nibabel.processing.resample_from_to

  • out_class -- Refer to nibabel.processing.resample_from_to


Return a Nibabel object with the resampled data. The 4d case will have an extra dimension

for the different time points.

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.coils.biot_savart.biot_savart(centers, normals, radii, segment_numbers, fov_min, fov_max, fov_n)

Creates coil profiles for arbitrary loops, for use in multichannel shim examples that do not match spherical harmonics :param centers: List of 3D float center points for each loop in mm :type centers: list :param normals: List of 3D float normal vectors for each loop in mm :type normals: list :param radii: List of float radii for each loop in mm :type radii: list :param segment_numbers: List of integer number of segments for each loop approximation :type segment_numbers: list :param fov_min: Low 3D float corner of coil profile field of view (x, y, z) in mm :type fov_min: tuple :param fov_max: Inclusive high 3D float corner of coil profile field of view (x, y, z) in mm :type fov_max: tuple :param fov_n: Integer number of points for each dimension (x, y, z) in mm :type fov_n: tuple


(X, Y, Z, centers) coil profiles of magnetic field z-component in Hz/A -- (X, Y, Z, Channel)

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.coils.biot_savart.generate_coil_bfield(wire, xyz, grid_size)

Generates Bz field in the FOV

  • wire (list) -- 1D list of n_segments dictionaries with start and stop point of the segment

  • xyz (np.array) -- 2D array shape (n_points, 3) where n_points is the number of points in the whole FOV. Represents the (x, y, z) coordinates in mm of each point in the FOV

  • grid_size (tuple) -- Shape of the FOV


Bz field shaped back to grid_size

Return type:



shimmingtoolbox.shim.realtime_shim.realtime_shim(nii_fieldmap, nii_anat, pmu, json_fmap, nii_mask_anat_riro=None, nii_mask_anat_static=None, path_output=None)

This function will generate static and dynamic (due to respiration) Gz components based on a fieldmap time series and respiratory trace information obtained from Siemens bellows (PMUresp_signal.resp). An additional multi-gradient echo (MGRE) magnitude image is used to generate an ROI and resample the static and dynamic Gz component maps to match the MGRE image. Lastly the mean Gz values within the ROI are computed for each slice.

  • nii_fieldmap (nibabel.Nifti1Image) -- Nibabel object containing fieldmap data in 4d where the 4th dimension is the timeseries. Fieldmap should be in Hz.

  • nii_anat (nibabel.Nifti1Image) -- Nibabel object containing a 3d image of the target data to shim.

  • pmu (PmuResp) -- PmuResp object containing the respiratory trace information.

  • json_fmap (dict) -- dict of the json sidecar corresponding to the fieldmap data (Used to find the acquisition timestamps).

  • nii_mask_anat_static (nibabel.Nifti1Image) -- Nibabel object containing the mask to specify the shimming region for the static component.

  • nii_mask_anat_riro (nibabel.Nifti1Image) -- Nibabel object containing the mask to specify the shimming region for the riro component.

  • path_output (str) -- Path to output figures and temporary variables. If none is provided, no debug output is provided.


tuple containing:

  • numpy.ndarray: 1D array of the x static_correction. The correction is in mT/m for each slice.

  • numpy.ndarray: 1D array of the y static_correction. The correction is in mT/m for each slice.

  • numpy.ndarray: 1D array of the z static_correction. The correction is in mT/m for each slice.

  • numpy.ndarray: 1D array of the x dynamic riro_correction. The correction is in (mT/m)*rms_pressure for each slice.

  • numpy.ndarray: 1D array of the y dynamic riro_correction. The correction is in (mT/m)*rms_pressure for each slice.

  • numpy.ndarray: 1D array of the z dynamic riro_correction. The correction is in (mT/m)*rms_pressure for each slice.

  • float: Average pressure of the pmu

  • float: RMS of the pmu pressure

Return type:


class shimmingtoolbox.shim.sequencer.RealTimeSequencer(nii_fieldmap, json_fmap, nii_anat, nii_static_mask, nii_riro_mask, slices, pmu: PmuResp, coils_static, coils_riro, method='least_squares', opt_criteria='mse', mask_dilation_kernel='sphere', mask_dilation_kernel_size=3, reg_factor=0, path_output=None)

Sequencer object that stores different nibabel object, and parameters. It's also doing real time optimization of the currents, and the evaluation of the shimming


Nibabel object containing fieldmap data in 4d where the 4th dimension is the timeseries. Also contains an affine transformation.




Dict of the json sidecar corresponding to the fieldmap data (Used to find the acquisition timestamps).




Nibabel object containing anatomical data in 3d.




3D anat mask used for the optimizer to shim the region for the static component.




3D anat mask used for the optimizer to shim the region for the riro component.




1D array containing tuples of dim3 slices to shim according to the anat where the shape of anat: (dim1, dim2, dim3). Refer to shimmingtoolbox.shim.sequencer.define_slices().




PmuResp object containing the respiratory trace information.




List of Coils containing the coil profiles. The coil profiles and the fieldmaps must have matching units (if fmap is in Hz, the coil profiles must be in hz/unit_shim). Refer to shimmingtoolbox.coils.coil.Coil. Make sure the extent of the coil profiles are larger than the extent of the fieldmap. This is especially true for dimensions with only 1 voxel(e.g. (50x50x1x10). Refer to shimmingtoolbox.shim.sequencer.extend_slice()/ shimmingtoolbox.shim.sequencer.update_affine_for_ap_slices()




Supported optimizer: 'least_squares', 'pseudo_inverse', 'quad_prog. Note: refer to their specific implementation to know limits of the methods in: shimmingtoolbox.optimizer




Criteria for the optimizer 'least_squares'. Supported: 'mse': mean squared error, 'mae': mean absolute error, 'std': standard deviation.




Regularization factor for the current when optimizing. A higher coefficient will penalize higher current values while a lower factor will lower the effect of the regularization. A negative value will favour high currents (not preferred). Only relevant for 'least_squares' opt_method.




Kernel used to dilate the mask. Allowed shapes are: 'sphere', 'cross', 'line' 'cube'. See shimmingtoolbox.masking.mask_utils.dilate_binary_mask() for more details.




Length of a side of the 3d kernel to dilate the mask. Must be odd. For example, a kernel of size 3 will dilate the mask by 1 pixel.




Path to the directory to output figures. Set logging level to debug to output debug artefacts.




Object that contains everything needed for the optimization created from shimmingtoolbox.optimizer init method




Object that contains everything needed for the riro optimization created from shimmingtoolbox.optimizer init method




List of the bounds for the currents for the real time optimization




1D array that contains the acquisitions pressures




1D array that contains the acquisitions timestamps



eval(coef_static, coef_riro, mean_p, pressure_rms)

Evaluate the real time shimming by plotting and saving results

  • coef_static (np.ndarray) -- coefficients got during the static optimization

  • coef_riro (np.ndarray) -- coefficients got during the real time optimization

  • mean_p (float) -- mean of the acquisitions pressures

  • pressure_rms (float) -- rms of the acquisitions pressures


Get the acquisition pressures at the times when the fieldmap was acquired.


1D array that contains the acquisitions pressures

Return type:



Get the fieldmap for the RealTimeSequencer class


nii_fieldmap (nib.Nifti1Image) -- Nibabel object containing fieldmap data in 4d where the 4th dimension is the timeseries.


Nibabel object containing fieldmap data in 4d where the 4th dimension

is the timeseries.

Return type:


get_mask(nii_static_mask, nii_riro_mask)

Get both masks for the RealTimeSequencer Class

  • nii_static_mask (nib.Nifti1Image) -- 3D anat mask used for the optimizer to shim the region for the static component.

  • nii_riro_mask (nib.Nifti1Image) -- 3D anat mask used for the optimizer to shim the region for the riro component.


tuple containing:
  • nib.Nifti1Image: 3D anat mask used for the optimizer to shim the region for the static component.

  • nib.Nifti1Image: 3D anat mask used for the optimizer to shim the region for the riro component.

Return type:



Get real time parameters used for the shimming


tuple containing:
  • np.ndarray: 3D array containing the static data for the optimization

  • np.ndarray: 3D array containing the real time data for the optimization

  • float: Mean pressure of the respiratory trace.

  • float: Root mean squared of the pressure trace. This is provided to compare results between scans,

    multiply the riro coefficients by rms of the pressure to do so.

Return type:


This function resample the static and the riro masks on the differents elements needed

for the optimization and the evaluation


tuple containing:
  • np.ndarray: Static mask resampled and dilated on the fieldmap for the optimization

  • np.ndarray: Riro mask resampled and dilated on the original fieldmap for the optimization.

Return type:



mask_anat (np.ndarray) -- anat mask on which the optimization will be made


Riro coefficients of the coil profiles to shim (len(slices) x channels) [Hz/unit_pressure]

plot_currents(static, riro=None)

Plot evolution of currents through shim groups

  • static (np.ndarray) -- Array with the static currents

  • riro (np.ndarray) -- Array with the riro currents

plot_full_time_std(unshimmed, masked_shim_static_riro, mask_fmap_cs, mask)

Plot and save the std heatmap over time

  • unshimmed (np.ndarray) -- Original fieldmap not shimmed shaped (x, y, z, time)

  • masked_shim_static_riro (np.ndarray) -- Masked shimmed fieldmap shaped (x, y, z, time, slices)

  • mask_fmap_cs (np.ndarray) -- Field map mask indicating where delta B0 is not 0 in each slice -- shaped (x, y, z, slices)

  • mask (np.ndarray) -- Binary mask in the fieldmap space shaped (x, y, z)


Plot respiratory trace, acquisition time pressure points and the B0 field RMSE


unshimmed_trace (np.ndarray) -- field in the ROI for each shim volume

plot_shimmed_trace(unshimmed_trace, shim_trace_static, shim_trace_riro, shim_trace_static_riro)

Plot shimmed and unshimmed rmse over the roi for each shim

  • unshimmed_trace (np.ndarray) -- array with the trace of the nii_fieldmap data

  • shim_trace_static (np.ndarray) -- array with the trace of the nii_fieldmap data after the static shimming

  • shim_trace_riro (np.ndarray) -- array with the trace of the nii_fieldmap data after the riro shimming

  • shim_trace_static_riro (np.ndarray) -- array with the trace of the nii_fieldmap data after both shimming

plot_static_riro(masked_unshimmed, masked_shim_static, masked_shim_static_riro, unshimmed, shimmed_static, shimmed_static_riro, i_t=0, i_slice=0, i_shim=0)

Plot Static and RIRO maps for a particular fieldmap slice, anat shim and timepoint

  • masked_unshimmed (np.ndarray) -- Fieldmap masked before the shimming

  • masked_shim_static (np.ndarray) -- Fieldmap masked after static shimming

  • masked_shim_static_riro (np.ndarray) -- Fieldmap masked after the static and riro shimming

  • unshimmed (np.ndarray) -- Fieldmap not shimmed

  • shimmed_static (np.ndarray) -- Data of the nii_fieldmap after the static shimming

  • shimmed_static_riro (np.ndarray) -- Data of the nii_fieldmap after static and riro shimming

  • i_shim -- (int): index of the anat shim, where we want to plot the static and riro maps

  • i_slice -- (int): index of the slice, where we want to plot the static and riro maps

  • i_t -- (int): Index of the time, where we want to plot the static and riro maps

print_rt_metrics(unshimmed, shimmed_static, shimmed_static_riro, shimmed_riro, mask)

Print to the console metrics about the realtime and static shim. These metrics isolate temporal and static components

Temporal: Compute the STD across time pixelwise, and then compute the mean across pixels. Static: Compute the MEAN across time pixelwise, and then compute the STD across pixels.

  • unshimmed (np.ndarray) -- Fieldmap not shimmed

  • shimmed_static (np.ndarray) -- Data of the nii_fieldmap after the static shimming

  • shimmed_static_riro (np.ndarray) -- Data of the nii_fieldmap after static and riro shimming

  • shimmed_riro (np.ndarray) -- Data of the nii_fieldmap after the riro shimming

  • mask (np.ndarray) -- Mask where the shimming was done

select_optimizer(unshimmed, affine, pmu: PmuResp | None = None)

Select and initialize the optimizer

  • unshimmed (np.ndarray) -- 3D B0 map

  • affine (np.ndarray) -- 4x4 array containing the affine transformation for the unshimmed array

  • pmu (PmuResp) -- PmuResp object containing the respiratory trace information. Required for method 'least_squares_rt'.


Performs realtime shimming using one of the supported optimizers and an external respiratory trace.


tuple containing:
  • np.ndarray: Static coefficients of the coil profiles to shim (len(slices) x channels) e.g. [Hz]

  • np.ndarray: Riro coefficients of the coil profiles to shim (len(slices) x channels)

    e.g. [Hz/unit_pressure]

  • float: Mean pressure of the respiratory trace.

  • float: Root mean squared of the pressure.

    This is provided to compare results between scans, multiply the riro coefficients by rms of the pressure to do so.

Return type:


class shimmingtoolbox.shim.sequencer.Sequencer(slices, mask_dilation_kernel, mask_dilation_kernel_size, reg_factor, path_output)

General class for the sequencer


1D array containing tuples of dim3 slices to shim according to the anat, where the shape of anat is: (dim1, dim2, dim3). Refer to shimmingtoolbox.shim.sequencer.define_slices().




Kernel used to dilate the mask. Allowed shapes are: 'sphere', 'cross', 'line' 'cube'. See shimmingtoolbox.masking.mask_utils.dilate_binary_mask() for more details.




Length of a side of the 3d kernel to dilate the mask. Must be odd. For example, a kernel of size 3 will dilate the mask by 1 pixel.




Regularization factor for the current when optimizing. A higher coefficient will penalize higher current values while a lower factor will lower the effect of the regularization. A negative value will favour high currents (not preferred). Only relevant for 'least_squares' opt_method.




Path to the directory to output figures. Set logging level to debug to output debug




Indexes of slices that have been shimmed


Indexes of slices that have not been shimmed


Optimization of the currents for each shim group. Wraps shimmingtoolbox.shim.sequencer.Sequencer.opt().


masks_fmap (np.ndarray) -- 3D fieldmap mask used for the optimizer to shim in the region of interest (only consider voxels with non-zero values)


Coefficients of the coil profiles to shim (len(slices) x n_channels)

Return type:


class shimmingtoolbox.shim.sequencer.ShimSequencer(nii_fieldmap, nii_anat, nii_mask_anat, slices, coils, method='least_squares', opt_criteria='mse', mask_dilation_kernel='sphere', mask_dilation_kernel_size=3, reg_factor=0, path_output=None)

ShimSequencer object to perform optimization of shim parameters for static and dynamic shimming. This object can also evaluate the shimming performance.


Nibabel object containing fieldmap data in 3d.




Nibabel object containing anatomical data in 3d.




3D anat mask used for the optimizer to shim in the region of interest. (only consider voxels with non-zero values)




List of Coils containing the coil profiles. The coil profiles and the fieldmaps must have matching units (if fmap is in Hz, the coil profiles must be in hz/unit_shim). Refer to shimmingtoolbox.coils.coil.Coil. Make sure the extent of the coil profiles are larger than the extent of the fieldmap. This is especially true for dimensions with only 1 voxel(e.g. (50x50x1). Refer to shimmingtoolbox.shim.sequencer.extend_slice()/ shimmingtoolbox.shim.sequencer.update_affine_for_ap_slices()




Supported optimizer: 'least_squares', 'pseudo_inverse', 'quad_prog. Note: refer to their specific implementation to know limits of the methods in: shimmingtoolbox.optimizer




Criteria for the optimizer 'least_squares'. Supported: 'mse': mean squared error, 'mae': mean absolute error, 'std': standard deviation.




Nibabel object containing the copy of the original fieldmap data




Object that contains everything needed for the optimization.




Tells whether the fieldmap has been extended by the object.




Resampled mask on the original fieldmap



calc_shimmed_anat_orient(coefs, list_shim_slice)

Calculate and save the shimmed anat orient

  • coefs (np.ndarray) -- Coefficients of the coil profiles to shim (len(slices) x n_channels)

  • list_shim_slice (list) -- list of the index where there was a correction

calc_shimmed_full_mask(unshimmed, correction)

Calculate the shimmed full mask

  • unshimmed (np.ndarray) -- Original fieldmap not shimmed

  • correction (np.ndarray) -- Corrections to apply to the fieldmap


tuple containing:
  • np.ndarray: Masked shimmed fieldmap

  • np.ndarray: Binary mask in the fieldmap space

Return type:


display_shimmed_results(shimmed, unshimmed, coef)

Print the efficiency of the corrections according to the opt_criteria

  • shimmed (np.ndarray) -- Shimmed fieldmap

  • unshimmed (np.ndarray) -- Original fieldmap not shimmed

  • coef (np.ndarray) -- Coefficients of the coil profiles to shim (len(slices) x n_channels)


Calculate theoretical shimmed map and output figures.

Args :

coef (np.ndarray): Coefficients of the coil profiles to shim (len(slices) x n_channels)

evaluate_shimming(unshimmed, coef, merged_coils)

Evaluate the shimming and print the efficiency of the corrections.

  • unshimmed (np.ndarray) -- Original fieldmap not shimmed

  • coef (np.ndarray) -- Coefficients of the coil profiles to shim (len(slices) x n_channels)

  • merged_coils (np.ndarray) -- Coils resampled on the original fieldmap


tuple containing:
  • np.ndarray: Shimmed fieldmap

  • np.ndarray: Corrections to apply to the fieldmap

  • list: List containing the indexes of the shimmed slices

Return type:



Get the target image and perform error checking.


nii_anat (nib.Nifti1Image) -- Nibabel object containing anatomical data in 3d.


Nibabel object containing anatomical data in 3d.

Return type:



Get the fieldmap and perform error checking.


nii_fieldmap (nib.Nifti1Image) -- Nibabel object containing fieldmap data in 3d.


tuple containing:

  • nib.Nifti1Image: Nibabel object containing fieldmap data in 3d.

  • nib.Nifti1Image: Nibabel object containing the copy of the initial fieldmap data in 3d.

  • bool: Boolean indicating if the initial fieldmap has been changed.

Return type:



Get the mask and perform error checking.


nii_mask_anat (nib.Nifti1Image) -- 3D anat mask used for the optimizer to shim in the region of interest.(only consider voxels with non-zero values)


3D anat mask used for the optimizer to shim in the region of interest.

(Only consider voxels with non-zero values)

Return type:



This function resamples the mask on the fieldmap and on the dilated fieldmap


tuple containing:
  • nib.Nifti1Image: Mask resampled and dilated on the fieldmap for the optimization

  • nib.Nifti1Image: Mask resampled on the original fieldmap.

Return type:



Plot evolution of currents through shim groups


static (np.ndarray) -- Array with the static coefficients

plot_partial_mask(unshimmed, shimmed)

This figure shows a single fieldmap slice for all shim groups. The shimmed and unshimmed fieldmaps are in the background and the correction is overlaid in color.

  • unshimmed (np.ndarray) -- Original fieldmap not shimmed

  • shimmed (np.ndarray) -- Shimmed fieldmap


Select and initialize the optimizer


Initialized Optimizer object

Return type:



Performs shimming according to slices using one of the supported optimizers and coil profiles.


Coefficients of the coil profiles to shim (len(slices) x n_channels)

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.shim.sequencer.define_slices(n_slices: int, factor=1, method='sequential')

Define the slices to shim according to the output convention. (list of tuples)

  • n_slices (int) -- Number of total slices.

  • factor (int) -- Number of slices per shim.

  • method (str) -- Defines how the slices should be sorted, supported methods include: 'interleaved', 'sequential', 'volume'. See Examples for more details.


1D list containing tuples of dim3 slices to shim. (dim1, dim2, dim3)

Return type:




slices = define_slices(10, 2, 'interleaved') print(slices) # [(0, 5), (1, 6), (2, 7), (3, 8), (4, 9)] slices = define_slices(20, 5, 'sequential') print(slices) # [(0, 1, 2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 7, 8, 9), (10, 11, 12, 13, 14), (15, 16, 17, 18, 19)] slices = define_slices(20, method='volume') # 'volume' ignores the 'factor' option print(slices) # [(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19)]

shimmingtoolbox.shim.sequencer.extend_fmap_to_kernel_size(nii_fmap_orig, dilation_kernel_size, path_output=None)

Load the fmap and expand its dimensions to the kernel size

  • nii_fmap_orig (nib.Nifti1Image) -- 3d (dim1, dim2, dim3) or 4d (dim1, dim2, dim3, t) nii to be extended

  • dilation_kernel_size -- Size of the kernel

  • path_output (str) -- Path to save the debug output


Nibabel object of the loaded and extended fieldmap

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.shim.sequencer.extend_slice(nii_array, n_slices=1, axis=2)

Adds n_slices on each side of the selected axis. It uses the nearest slice and copies it to fill the values. Updates the affine of the matrix to keep the input array in the same location.

  • nii_array (nib.Nifti1Image) -- 3d or 4d array to extend the dimensions along an axis.

  • n_slices (int) -- Number of slices to add on each side of the selected axis.

  • axis (int) -- Axis along which to insert the slice(s), Allowed axis: 0, 1, 2.


Array extended with the appropriate affine to conserve where the original pixels were located.

Return type:




print(nii_array.get_fdata().shape) # (50, 50, 1, 10) nii_out = extend_slice(nii_array, n_slices=1, axis=2) print(nii_out.get_fdata().shape) # (50, 50, 3, 10)

shimmingtoolbox.shim.sequencer.new_bounds_from_currents(currents: dict, old_bounds: dict)

Uses the currents to determine the appropriate bounds for the next optimization. It assumes that "old_coef + next_bound < old_bound".

  • currents (dict) -- Dictionary with n_shims as keys each with a list of n_channels values.

  • old_bounds (dict) -- Dictionary with orders as keys containing (min, max) containing the merged bounds of the previous optimization.


Modified bounds (same shape as old_bounds)

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.shim.sequencer.new_bounds_from_currents_static_to_riro(currents, old_bounds, coils_static=[], coils_riro=[])

Uses the currents to determine the appropriate bounds for the next optimization. It assumes that "old_coef + next_bound < old_bound".

  • currents (np.ndarray) -- 2D array (n_shims x n_channels). Direct output from _optimize().

  • old_bounds (list) -- 1d list (n_channels) of tuples (min, max) containing the merged bounds of the previous optimization.


2d list (n_shim_groups x n_channels) of bounds (min, max) corresponding to each shim group and channel.

Return type:



Parse the BIDS sidecar associated with the input nifti file.


fname_nifti (str) -- Full path to a NIfTI file


1D list containing tuples of dim3 slices to shim. (dim1, dim2, dim3)

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.shim.sequencer.plot_full_mask(unshimmed, shimmed_masked, mask, path_output)

Plot and save the static full mask

  • unshimmed (np.ndarray) -- Original fieldmap not shimmed

  • shimmed_masked (np.ndarray) -- Masked shimmed fieldmap

  • mask (np.ndarray) -- Binary mask in the fieldmap space

  • path_output (str) -- Path to the output folder

shimmingtoolbox.shim.sequencer.shim_max_intensity(nii_input, nii_mask=None)
Find indexes of the 4th dimension of the input volume that has the highest signal intensity for each slice.

Based on: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hbm.26018

  • nii_input (nib.Nifti1Image) -- 4d volume where 4th dimension was acquired with different shim values

  • nii_mask (nib.Nifti1Image) -- Mask defining the spatial region to shim. If None: consider all voxels of nii_input.


1d array containing the index of the volume that maximizes signal intensity for each slice

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.shim.sequencer.update_affine_for_ap_slices(affine, n_slices=1, axis=2)

Updates the input affine to reflect an insertion of n_slices on each side of the selected axis

  • affine (np.ndarray) -- 4x4 qform affine matrix representing the coordinates

  • n_slices (int) -- Number of pixels to add on each side of the selected axis

  • axis (int) -- Axis along which to insert the slice(s)


4x4 updated affine matrix

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.shim.b1shim.b1shim(b1, mask=None, algorithm=1, target=None, q_matrix=None, sar_factor=1.5)

Computes static optimized shim weights that minimize the B1+ field coefficient of variation over the masked region.

  • b1 (numpy.ndarray) -- 4D array corresponding to the measured B1+ field. (x, y, n_slices, n_channels)

  • mask (numpy.ndarray) -- 3D array corresponding to the region where shimming will be performed. (x, y, n_slices)

  • algorithm (int) -- Number from 1 to 4 specifying which algorithm to use for B1+ optimization: 1 - Reduce the coefficient of variation of the B1+ field. Favors high B1+ efficiency. 2 - Magnitude least square (MLS) optimization targeting a specific B1+ value. Target value required. 3 - Maximizes the SAR efficiency (B1+/sqrt(SAR)). Q matrices required. 4 - Phase-only shimming.

  • target (float) -- Target B1+ value used by algorithm 2 in nT/V.

  • q_matrix (numpy.ndarray) -- Matrix used to constrain local SAR. If no matrix is provided, unconstrained optimization is performed, which might result in SAR excess at the scanner (n_channels, n_channels, n_vop).

  • sar_factor (float) -- Factor (=> 1) to which the maximum local SAR after shimming can exceed the phase-only shimming maximum local SAR. Values between 1 and 1.5 should work with Siemens scanners. High factors allow more shimming liberty but are more likely to result in SAR excess at the scanner.


Optimized and normalized 1D vector of complex shimming weights of length n_channels.

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.shim.b1shim.combine_maps(b1_maps, weights)

Combines the B1 field distribution of several channels into one map representing the total B1 field magnitude.

  • b1_maps (numpy.ndarray) -- Complex B1 field for different channels (x, y, n_slices, n_channels).

  • weights (numpy.ndarray) -- 1D complex array of length n_channels.


B1 field distribution obtained when applying the provided shim weights.

Return type:



Separates the real and imaginary components of a complex vector into a twice as long vector.


weights (numpy.ndarray) -- 1D complex array of length n_channels.


1D array of length 2*n_channels. First/second half: real/imaginary.

Return type:



Reads in a Matlab file in which the VOP matrices are stored and returns them as a numpy array.


fname_sar_file -- Path to the 'SarDataUser.mat' file containing the scanner's VOPs. This file should be available at the scanner in 'C:/Medcom/MriProduct/PhysConfig'.


VOP matrices (n_coils, n_coils, n_VOPs)

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.shim.b1shim.max_sar(weights, q_matrix)

Returns the maximum local SAR corresponding to a set of shim weight and a set of Q matrices.

  • weights (numpy.ndarray) -- 1D vector of complex shim weights. (length: n_channel)

  • q_matrix (numpy.ndarray) -- Q matrices used to compute the local energy deposition in the tissues.

  • (n_channels --

  • n_channels --

  • n_voxel) --


maximum local SAR.

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.shim.b1shim.phase_only_shimming(b1_maps, init_phases=None)

Performs a phase-only RF-shimming to find a set of phases that homogenizes the B1+ field.

  • b1_maps (numpy.ndarray) -- 4D array corresponding to the measured B1 field. (x, y, n_slices, n_channels)

  • init_phases (numpy.ndarray) -- 1D array of initial phase values used for optimization.


Optimized and normalized 1D vector of complex shimming weights of length n_channels.

Return type:



Combines real and imaginary values contained in a vector into a half long complex vector.


weights (numpy.ndarray) -- 1D array of length 2*n_channels. First/second half: real/imaginary.


1D complex array of length n_channels.

Return type:



class shimmingtoolbox.optimizer.basic_optimizer.Optimizer(coils: List[Coil], unshimmed, affine)

Optimizer object that stores coil profiles and optimizes an unshimmed volume given a mask. Use optimize(args) to optimize a given mask. For basic optimizer, uses unbounded pseudo-inverse.


List of Coil objects containing the coil profiles and related constraints




3d array of unshimmed volume




4x4 array containing the qform affine transformation for the unshimmed array




4d array containing all coil profiles resampled onto the target unshimmed array concatenated on the 4th dimension. See self.merge_coils() for more details




list of bounds corresponding to each merged coils: merged_bounds[3] is the (min, max) bound for merged_coils[..., 3]



__init__(coils: List[Coil], unshimmed, affine)

Initializes coils according to input list of Coil

  • coils (ListCoil) -- List of Coil objects containing the coil profiles and related constraints

  • unshimmed (np.ndarray) -- 3d array of unshimmed volume

  • affine (np.ndarray) -- 4x4 array containing the affine transformation for the unshimmed array


Returns the coil matrix, and the unshimmed vector used for the optimization


mask (np.ndarray) -- 3d array of integers marking volume for optimization. Must be the same shape as unshimmed


tuple containing:
  • np.ndarray: 2D flattened array (point, channel) of masked coils

    (axis 0 must align with unshimmed_vec)

  • np.ndarray: 1D flattened array (point) of the masked unshimmed map

Return type:



Merge the coil profile bounds into a single array.


list of bounds corresponding to each merged coils

Return type:


merge_coils(unshimmed, affine)

Uses the list of coil profiles to return a resampled concatenated list of coil profiles matching the unshimmed image. Bounds are also concatenated and returned.

  • unshimmed (np.ndarray) -- 3d array of unshimmed volume

  • affine (np.ndarray) -- 4x4 array containing the affine transformation for the unshimmed array


Optimize unshimmed volume by varying current to each channel


mask (np.ndarray) -- 3d array of integers marking volume for optimization. Must be the same shape as unshimmed


Coefficients corresponding to the coil profiles that minimize the objective function.

The shape of the array returned has shape corresponding to the total number of channels

Return type:



Changes the default bounds set in the coil profile


merged_bounds -- Concatenated coil profile bounds

set_unshimmed(unshimmed, affine)

Set the unshimmed array to a new array. Resamples coil profiles accordingly.

  • unshimmed (np.ndarray) -- 3d array of unshimmed volume

  • affine -- (np.ndarray): 4x4 array containing the qform affine transformation for the unshimmed array

class shimmingtoolbox.optimizer.lsq_optimizer.LsqOptimizer(coils: List[Coil], unshimmed, affine, opt_criteria='mse', initial_guess_method='mean', reg_factor=0)

Bases: OptimizerUtils

Optimizer object that stores coil profiles and optimizes an unshimmed volume given a mask. Use optimize(args) to optimize a given mask. The algorithm uses a least squares solver to find the best shim. It supports bounds for each channel as well as a bound for the absolute sum of the channels.

__init__(coils: List[Coil], unshimmed, affine, opt_criteria='mse', initial_guess_method='mean', reg_factor=0)

Initializes coils according to input list of Coil

  • coils (ListCoil) -- List of Coil objects containing the coil profiles and related constraints

  • unshimmed (np.ndarray) -- 3d array of unshimmed volume

  • affine (np.ndarray) -- 4x4 array containing the affine transformation for the unshimmed array

  • opt_criteria (str) -- Criteria for the optimizer 'least_squares'. Supported: 'mse': mean squared error, 'mae': mean absolute error, 'std': standard deviation.

  • reg_factor (float) -- Regularization factor for the current when optimizing. A higher coefficient will penalize higher current values while a lower factor will lower the effect of the regularization. A negative value will favour high currents (not preferred).


Returns the coil matrix, and the unshimmed vector used for the optimization


mask (np.ndarray) -- 3d array of integers marking volume for optimization. Must be the same shape as unshimmed


tuple containing:
  • np.ndarray: 2D flattened array (point, channel) of masked coils

    (axis 0 must align with unshimmed_vec)

  • np.ndarray: 1D flattened array (point) of the masked unshimmed map

Return type:



Calculates the initial guess according to the self.initial_guess_method


1d array (n_channels) containing the initial guess for the optimization

Return type:


get_quadratic_term(unshimmed_vec, coil_mat, factor)

Returns all the quadratic terms used in the lsq_optimizer for the mse method, and for the quadprog optimizer, for more details see PR#451

  • unshimmed_vec (np.ndarray) -- 1D flattened array (point) of the masked unshimmed map

  • coil_mat (np.ndarray) -- 2D flattened array (point, channel) of masked coils (axis 0 must align with unshimmed_vec)

  • factor (float) -- This allows to scale the output for the minimize function to avoid positive directional linesearch


tuple containing:
  • np.ndarray: 2D array using for the optimization

  • np.ndarray: 1D flattened array used for the optimization

  • float : Float used for the least squares optimizer

Return type:



Merge the coil profile bounds into a single array.


list of bounds corresponding to each merged coils

Return type:


merge_coils(unshimmed, affine)

Uses the list of coil profiles to return a resampled concatenated list of coil profiles matching the unshimmed image. Bounds are also concatenated and returned.

  • unshimmed (np.ndarray) -- 3d array of unshimmed volume

  • affine (np.ndarray) -- 4x4 array containing the affine transformation for the unshimmed array


Optimize unshimmed volume by varying current to each channel


mask (np.ndarray) -- 3D integer mask used for the optimizer (only consider voxels with non-zero values).


Coefficients corresponding to the coil profiles that minimize the objective function.

The shape of the array returned has shape corresponding to the total number of channels

Return type:



Changes the default bounds set in the coil profile


merged_bounds -- Concatenated coil profile bounds

set_unshimmed(unshimmed, affine)

Set the unshimmed array to a new array. Resamples coil profiles accordingly.

  • unshimmed (np.ndarray) -- 3d array of unshimmed volume

  • affine -- (np.ndarray): 4x4 array containing the qform affine transformation for the unshimmed array

class shimmingtoolbox.optimizer.lsq_optimizer.PmuLsqOptimizer(coils, unshimmed, affine, opt_criteria, pmu: PmuResp, reg_factor=0)

Bases: LsqOptimizer

Optimizer for the realtime component (riro) for this optimization: field(i_vox) = riro(i_vox) * (acq_pressures - mean_p) + static(i_vox) Unshimmed must be in units: [unit_shim/unit_pressure], ex: [Hz/unit_pressure]

This optimizer bounds the riro results to the coil bounds by taking the range of pressure that can be reached by the PMU.

__init__(coils, unshimmed, affine, opt_criteria, pmu: PmuResp, reg_factor=0)

Initializes coils according to input list of Coil

  • coils (ListCoil) -- List of Coil objects containing the coil profiles and related constraints

  • unshimmed (np.ndarray) -- 3d array of unshimmed volume

  • affine (np.ndarray) -- 4x4 array containing the affine transformation for the unshimmed array

  • opt_criteria (str) -- Criteria for the optimizer 'least_squares'. Supported: 'mse': mean squared error, 'mae': mean absolute error, 'std': standard deviation.

  • pmu (PmuResp) -- PmuResp object containing the respiratory trace information.


Returns the coil matrix, and the unshimmed vector used for the optimization


mask (np.ndarray) -- 3d array of integers marking volume for optimization. Must be the same shape as unshimmed


tuple containing:
  • np.ndarray: 2D flattened array (point, channel) of masked coils

    (axis 0 must align with unshimmed_vec)

  • np.ndarray: 1D flattened array (point) of the masked unshimmed map

Return type:



Calculates the initial guess according to the self.initial_guess_method


1d array (n_channels) containing the initial guess for the optimization

Return type:


get_quadratic_term(unshimmed_vec, coil_mat, factor)

Returns all the quadratic terms used in the lsq_optimizer for the mse method, and for the quadprog optimizer, for more details see PR#451

  • unshimmed_vec (np.ndarray) -- 1D flattened array (point) of the masked unshimmed map

  • coil_mat (np.ndarray) -- 2D flattened array (point, channel) of masked coils (axis 0 must align with unshimmed_vec)

  • factor (float) -- This allows to scale the output for the minimize function to avoid positive directional linesearch


tuple containing:
  • np.ndarray: 2D array using for the optimization

  • np.ndarray: 1D flattened array used for the optimization

  • float : Float used for the least squares optimizer

Return type:



Merge the coil profile bounds into a single array.


list of bounds corresponding to each merged coils

Return type:


merge_coils(unshimmed, affine)

Uses the list of coil profiles to return a resampled concatenated list of coil profiles matching the unshimmed image. Bounds are also concatenated and returned.

  • unshimmed (np.ndarray) -- 3d array of unshimmed volume

  • affine (np.ndarray) -- 4x4 array containing the affine transformation for the unshimmed array


Optimize unshimmed volume by varying current to each channel


mask (np.ndarray) -- 3D integer mask used for the optimizer (only consider voxels with non-zero values).


Coefficients corresponding to the coil profiles that minimize the objective function.

The shape of the array returned has shape corresponding to the total number of channels

Return type:



Changes the default bounds set in the coil profile


merged_bounds -- Concatenated coil profile bounds

set_unshimmed(unshimmed, affine)

Set the unshimmed array to a new array. Resamples coil profiles accordingly.

  • unshimmed (np.ndarray) -- 3d array of unshimmed volume

  • affine -- (np.ndarray): 4x4 array containing the qform affine transformation for the unshimmed array

Image manipulation

shimmingtoolbox.image.concat_data(list_nii: List[Nifti1Image], axis=3, pixdim=None)

Concatenate data

  • list_nii -- list of Nifti1Image

  • axis -- axis: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.

  • pixdim -- pixel resolution to join to image header


concatenated image

Return type:


Numerical model

Create numerical model data for multi-echo B0 field mapping data

This module is for numerically simulating multi-echo B0 field mapping data. It considers features like: background B0 field, flip angle, echo time, and noise.

Typical usage example:

from shimmingtoolbox.simulate import *

b0_sim = NumericalModel(model="shepp-logan")

# Generate a background B0
b0_field = 13 # (Hz)
b0_sim.generate_deltaB0("linear", [0.0, b0_field])

# Simulate the signal data
FA = 15 # (degrees)
TE = [0.003, 0.015] # (seconds)
SNR = 50
b0_sim.simulate_measurement(FA, TE, SNR)

# Save simulation as NIfTI file (JSON sidecar also exported with parameters)
b0_sim.save('Phase', 'b0_mapping_data.nii', format='nifti')
class shimmingtoolbox.simulate.numerical_model.NumericalModel(model=None, num_vox=128, n_slices=1)

Multi-echo B0 field mapping data numerical simulator.

Simulate multi-echo B0 field mapping data in the presence of a B0 field. Can simulate data under ideal conditions or with noise. Export simulations in a NIfTI or .mat file formats.


Gyromagnetic ratio in rad * Hz / Tesla.




Static field strength in Tesla.




Orientation of the cross-product for the Larmor equation. The value of this attribute is MRI vendor-dependent.


Simulated measurement data array.


Default assumed brain proton density in %.


Default assumed brain T2* values in seconds at 3T.

generate_deltaB0(field_type, params)

Generates a background B0 field.

Defines the starting volume. Sets the background B0 field to zeros.

  • field_type (str) -- Type of field to be generated. Available implementations are: 'x', 'y', 'z'.

  • params (list) -- List of parameters defining the field for the selected field type. If field_type = 'x' or 'y' or 'z', then params are [m b] where m (Hz/pixel) is the slope and b is the floor field (Hz).

save(data_type, file_name, format=None, manufacturer='Simulated')

Exports simulated data to a file with a JSON sidecar.

Resets the measurement class attribute to zero before simulating. Simulates the signal for each echo-time provided. If defined, adds noise to the complex simulated signal measurements using an SNR value.

  • data_type -- Export data type. "Magnitude", "Phase", "Real", or "Imaginary".

  • file_name -- Filename of exported file, with or without file extension.

  • format -- File format for exported data. If no value given, will attempt to extract format from filename file extension, otherwise default to NIfTI.

  • manufacturer (str) -- Manufacturer to be written in the Json sidecar. Defaults to simulated.

simulate_measurement(FA, TE, SNR=None)

Simulates a multi-echo measurement for field mapping

Resets the measurement class attribute to zero before simulating. Simulates the signal for each echo-time provided. If defined, adds noise to the complex simulated signal measurements using an SNR value.

  • FA -- Flip angle in degrees.

  • TE -- Echo-times in seconds. Can be either a single value, list, or array.

  • SNR -- Signal-to-noise ratio used to define noise. If not set, no noise is added to the measurements.


shimmingtoolbox.dicom_to_nifti.dicom_to_nifti(path_dicom, path_nifti, subject_id='sub-01', fname_config_dcm2bids='/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/shimming-toolbox-py/checkouts/latest/config/dcm2bids.json', remove_tmp=False)

Converts dicom files into nifti files by calling dcm2bids

  • path_dicom (str) -- Path to the input DICOM folder.

  • path_nifti (str) -- Path to the output NIfTI folder.

  • subject_id (str) -- Name of the imaged subject.

  • fname_config_dcm2bids (str) -- Path to the dcm2bids config JSON file.

  • remove_tmp (bool) -- If True, removes the tmp folder containing the NIfTI files created by dcm2niix.

shimmingtoolbox.dicom_to_nifti.fix_tfl_b1(nii_b1, json_data)

Un-shuffles and rescales the magnitude and phase of complex B1+ maps acquired with Siemens' standard B1+ mapping sequence. Also computes a corrected affine matrix allowing the B1+ maps to be visualized in FSLeyes. :param nii_b1: Array of dimension (x, y, n_slices, 2*n_channels) as created by dcm2niix. :type nii_b1: numpy.ndarray :param json_data: Contains the different fields present in the json file corresponding to the nifti file. :type json_data: dict


NIfTI object containing the complex rescaled B1+ maps (x, y, n_slices, n_channels).

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.load_nifti.get_acquisition_times(nii_data, json_data)

Return the acquisition timestamps from a json sidecar. This assumes BIDS convention.

  • nii_data (nibabel.Nifti1Image) -- Nibabel object containing the image timeseries.

  • json_data (dict) -- Json dict corresponding to a nifti sidecar.


Acquisition timestamps in ms.

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.load_nifti.load_nifti(path_data, modality='phase')

Load data from a directory containing NIFTI type file with nibabel. :param path_data: Path to the directory containing the file(s) to load :type path_data: str :param modality: Modality to read nifti (can be phase or magnitude) :type modality: str


List containing headers for every Nifti file dict: List containing all information in JSON format from every Nifti image numpy.ndarray: 5D array of all acquisition in time (x, y, z, echo, volume)

Return type:



If 'path' is a folder containing niftis, directly output niftis. It 'path' is a folder containing acquisitions, ask the user for which acquisition to use.

shimmingtoolbox.load_nifti.read_nii(fname_nifti, auto_scale=True)

Reads a nifti file and returns the corresponding image and info. Also returns the associated json data. :param fname_nifti: direct path to the .nii or .nii.gz file that is going to be read :type fname_nifti: str :param auto_scale: Tells if scaling is done before return :type auto_scale: bool, optional


Objet containing various data about the nifti file (returned by nibabel.load) json_data (dict): Contains the different fields present in the json file corresponding to the nifti file image (numpy.ndarray): For B0-maps, image contained in the nifti. Siemens phase images are rescaled between 0 and 2pi.

Return type:

info (Nifti1Image)


Download the binaries from a URL and return the destination filename Retry downloading if either server or connection errors occur on a SSL connection


urls -- list of several urls (mirror servers) or single url (string)

shimmingtoolbox.download.install_data(url, dest_folder, keep=False)

Download a data bundle from a URL and install in the destination folder.

  • url -- URL or sequence thereof (if mirrors).

  • dest_folder -- destination directory for the data (to be created).

  • keep -- whether to keep existing data in the destination folder.




The function tries to be smart about the data contents.


If the archive only contains a README.md, and the destination folder is ${dst}, ${dst}/README.md will be created. Note: an archive not containing a single folder is commonly known as a "tarbomb" because it puts files anywhere in the current working directory.

If the archive contains a ${dir}/README.md, and the destination folder is ${dst}, ${dst}/README.md will be created. Note: typically the package will be called ${basename}-${revision}.zip and contain a root folder named ${basename}-${revision}/ under which all the other files will be located. The right thing to do in this case is to take the files from there and install them in ${dst}.

  • Uses download_data() to retrieve the data.

  • Uses unzip() to extract the bundle.

shimmingtoolbox.download.unzip(compressed, dest_folder)

Extract compressed file to the dest_folder. Can handle .zip, .tar.gz. If none of this extension is found, simply copy the file in dest_folder.

  • compressed -- the compressed .zip or .tar.gz file

  • dest_folder -- the destination dir that expanded files are written to

class shimmingtoolbox.pmu.PmuResp(fname_pmu)

PMU object containing the pressure values of a Siemens .resp file


Filename of the Siemens .resp file




Pressure values ranging from 0 to 4095




Start time in milliseconds past midnight (mdh clock is expected to be the closest to the image header)




Stop time in milliseconds past midnight (mdh clock is expected to be the closest to the image header)




Start time in milliseconds past midnight




Stop time in milliseconds past midnight




Get the times in ms at which the respiration took place.


Array containing the timepoints in ms of each data

Return type:



Interpolates data to the specified acquisition_times


acquisition_times (numpy.ndarray) -- 1D array of the times in milliseconds past midnight of the desired times to interpolate the resp_trace. Times must be within self.start_time_mdh and self.stop_time_mdh


1D array with interpolated times

Return type:



Read a Siemens Physiological Log file. Returns a tuple with the logging data as numpy integer array and times in the form of milliseconds past midnight.


fname_pmu -- Filename of the Siemens .resp file


A dict containing the fname_pmu infos. Contains the following keys:

  • fname

  • data

  • start_time_mdh

  • stop_time_mdh

  • start_time_mpcu

  • stop_time_mpcu

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.utils.add_suffix(fname, suffix)

Add suffix between end of file name and extension.

  • fname -- absolute or relative file name. Example: t2.nii

  • suffix -- suffix. Example: _mean


file name string with suffix. Example: t2_mean.nii


  • add_suffix(t2.nii, _mean) -> t2_mean.nii

  • add_suffix(t2.nii.gz, a) -> t2a.nii.gz

shimmingtoolbox.utils.create_fname_from_path(path, file_default)

Given a path, make sure it is not a directory, if it is add the default filename, if not, return the path

  • path (str) -- filename or path to add the file_default to.

  • file_default (str) -- Name of the file + ext (example.nii.gz) to add to the path if the path is a directory.


Absolute path of a file

Return type:


shimmingtoolbox.utils.create_output_dir(path_output, is_file=False, output_folder_name='output')

Given a path, create the directory if it doesn't exist.

  • path_output (str) -- Full path to either a folder or a file.

  • is_file (bool) -- True if the path_output is for a file, else False.

  • output_folder_name (str) -- Name of sub-folder.

shimmingtoolbox.utils.fill(data, invalid=None)

Replace the value of invalid 'data' cells (indicated by 'invalid') by the value of the nearest valid data cell

  • data (numpy.ndarray)) -- array of any dimension

  • invalid (numpy.ndarray) -- a binary array of same shape as 'data'. True cells set where data value should be replaced. If None (default), use: invalid = np.isnan(data)


Return a filled array.

Return type:



Convert dicom acquisition times to ms


iso_times (numpy.ndarray) -- 1D array of time strings from dicoms. Suported formats: "HHMMSS.mmmmmm" or "HH:MM:SS.mmmmmm"


1D array of times in milliseconds

Return type:



Concatenates images stored in a 3D array :param X: 3D array with the last dimension being the one in which the images are concatenated. :type X: numpy.ndarray


2D array of concatenated images.

Return type:



Wrapper for subprocess.run().


cmd (list) -- list of arguments to be passed to the command line

shimmingtoolbox.utils.save_nii_json(nii, json_data, fname_output)

Save the nii to a nifti file and dict to a json file.

  • nii (nib.Nifti1Image) -- Nibabel object containing data save.

  • json_data (dict) -- Dictionary containing the json sidecar associated with the nibabel object.

  • fname_output (str) -- Output filename, supported types : '.nii', '.nii.gz'

shimmingtoolbox.utils.set_all_loggers(verbose, list_exclude=('matplotlib',))

Set all loggers in the root manager to the verbosity level. Exclude any logger with the name in list_exclude

  • verbose (str) -- Verbosity level: 'info', 'debug', 'warning', 'critical', 'error'

  • list_exclude -- List of string to exclude from logging


Split a fname (folder/file + ext) into a folder/file and extension.

Note: for .nii.gz the extension is understandably .nii.gz, not .gz (os.path.splitext() would want to do the latter, hence the special case).

shimmingtoolbox.utils.st_progress_bar(*args, **kwargs)

Thin wrapper around tqdm.tqdm which checks SCT_PROGRESS_BAR muffling the progress bar if the user sets it to no, off, or false (case insensitive).


Decorator to time a function. Decorate a function: @timeit on top of the function definition. The elapsed time will output in debug mode